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Anga Syamalima Chatabhir
ańga-śyāmalima-chaṭābhir abhito mandī-kṛtendīvaraḿ
jāḍyam- jāguḍa-rociṣām- vidadhatam- paṭṭāmbarasya śriyā
vṛndāraṇya-vilāsinam- hṛdi lasad-dāmābhir āmodaraḿādhā-skandha-niveśitojjvala-bhujam- dhyāyema dāmodaram
On Lord Damodara, whose dark bodily luster embarrasses the blue lotus flowers, the splendor of whose silken garments stuns the glory of yellow kuìkuma, who enjoys transcendental pastimes in Vrndavana forest, whose chest is fragrant with a brilliant flower garland, and whose magnificent arm rests on Radha’s shoulder, let us meditate.
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