Bhule Bhule Re Dohara Rupe
Govinda Das Kaviraj has written this song “Bhule Bhule Re Dohara Rupe”. This song is taken from the book Padavali. In this song, Govinda Das Kaviraj describes the divine pastimes of Srimati Radha and Lord Krishna, which enchants both of them greatly.
bhule bhule re domhara rupe nayana bhule
kanaka-latika ra-i tamala-kole
bija-i bane bane bhrama-i duhu
dumhara kandhe sobhe dumhara bahu
dipa-samipe yena indranila mani
jalada jadayala yena saudamini
kasite kasila nahe kundana hema
tulana dibara nahi dumhara prema
badane badana dite madana jage
alingana diya syama kiba dhana mage
canda upare canda piye rasa sudha
gobinda-dasa kahe na bhangila ksudha
(1) Gazing at each other's forms, Their eyes are enchanted. They are enchanted and again enchanted. Radha is like a golden vine embracing a tamala tree.
(2) They wander from forest to forest. They adorn each other's shoulders with Their arms.
(3) They are like a sapphire and a glistening lamp. They are like a monsoon cloud and lightning.
(4) No gold is pure as Their love. Their love has no peer.
(5) When They gaze at each other, amorous desires awaken within Them. When dark Krsna embraces Her, for what greater treasure can Radha ask?
(6) They are like one moon sipping the nectar of another moon. Govinda dasa says: Their thirst to taste that nectar is never broken.