Dekhalu Gaurangacandra Vibhora
Govinda Das Kaviraj has written this song “Dekhalu Gaurangacandra Vibhora”. This song is taken from the book Padavali. In this song, Govinda Das Kaviraj describes the beauty and compassion of Sri Krsna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu whose form is splendid, enchanting, handsome, sweet and graceful and who frees everyone from the bonds of repeated birth and death.
dekhalu gaurāńgacandra bibhora
kali-yuga kaluṣa-timira-ghora-nāśaka
nabadwīpa cānda ujora
gaura baraṇa tanu śohana mohana
sundara madhura su-ṭhāma
anupama aruṇa kiraṇa jini ambara
sundara cāru bayāna
bhābahi bhoraghora duhuḿ locana
mocana bhaba-nada-bandha
naba naba prema-bharabara tanu sundara
uyala bhakata gaṇa sańga
lahu lahu hāsa bhāṣa mṛdu bolata
śohata gati ati manda
dīna jane nija bīja saba de-i tārala
bañcita dāsa gobinda
(Refrain) I saw Lord Gaurangacandra. Now I am overcome. Lord Gaura is a splendid moon rising in Navadvipa, a moon that destroys the horrible darkness of Kali-yuga’s sins.
(1) His complexion is fair. His form is splendid, enchanting, handsome, sweet, and graceful. His garments defeat the peerless rising sun. His face is handsome and graceful.
(2) His eyes are restless with ecstatic spiritual love. He frees everyone from the bonds of repeated birth and death. His graceful form is overcome with newer and newer ecstatic spiritual love. He stays amongst the devotees.
(3) He gently smiles. He speaks sweet words. His slow movements are graceful. Giving them the seed of ecstatic spiritual love, He delivers the poor fallen people. Only Govinda dasa He did not deliver. Only Govinda dasa was cheated.