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Grantha Kartuh Prarthana





kascana citram pikim vande




phala-rasa-panotkam adbhutam bhramaram


pita-dukulam ciram naumi



jitah sudhamsur yasasa mameti

garvam mudha ma bata gostha-vira


jigaya tatam prasabham yato 'sya



kusje kusje pasupa-vanita-vahinibhih samastat

svairam krsnah kusuma-dhanuso rajya-carcam karotu

etat prarthyam sakhi mama yatha citta-hari sa dhurto

baddham cetas tyajati kim u va prana-mosam karoti



1) I offer my respectful obeisances to a certain wonderful cuckoo, whose splendor defeats the shining of gold, and who is very greedy to taste the charming sweetness of the honey trickling from the budding twigs of the lips of Subala's friend Krsna.


2) I eternally praise the wonderful black bee that, wearing yellow garments and a peacock feather crown, yearns to taste the nectar of the bimba fruits of Sri Radha's lips.   


3) O foolish hero of Vraja, do not be proud, thinking "My glory has defeated the moon." After all, the flood of tears flowing from the eyes of the wives of Your enemies has defeated the ocean that is the moon's father.             


4) Let independent Krsna with His band of gopis explore the kingdom of the god of love in every forest grove! Friend, even if the highwayman Krsna robs and binds my heart and even if He kills me, my only request is that He not leave my heart.

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