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Ha Ha Kabe Gaura Nitai


ha ha kabe gaura-nitaie

patita-jane,uru krpa kori’

dekha dibe du’ti bhai



dekhibo brajer sobha

ananda-sukhada-kunja mahohara,

heribo nayana-lobha


tahar nikate, sri-lalita-kunda,

ratna-bedi kota sata

jatha radha-krsna,lila bistariya,

biharena abirata


sakhigana jatha,lilar sahay,

nana seba-sukha pay

e dasi tathay,sakhira ajnate,

karye iti-uti dhay


malatir mala,ganthiya anibo,

dibo tabe sakhi-kare

radha-krsna-gale,sakhi paraibe,

nacibo ananda-bhare


1) Alas, alas! When, oh when will the two Brothers Gaura-Nitai show Themselves to this most fallen person, thus exhibiting Their causeless mercy?

2) By the power of the mercy of Them both, I will see the transcendental splendor of Vraja at Navadvipa. My mind being charmed thus at my residence at Ananda-sukhada-kunja, I will behold such wondrous thing with my very eyes.

3) Just nearby to my kutir is Lalita-kunda, surrounded by hundreds and thousands of bejewelled altars. At that place Sri Radha-Krsna can be seen, continuously sporting there as They expand Their pastimes.

4) All of Their confidential girlfriends are also there assisting the pastimes by performing various services for the pleasure of Their Lordships. This maidservant is also there, busy running here and there on the orders of the sakhis.

5) Stringing a garland of malati flowers, I will bring it and place it into the hands of a sakhi. She will place it around the necks of Sri Radha-Krsna, and I will dance, filled with ecstasy.

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