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Jaya Re Jaya Re Jaya Thakura Narottama

Govinda Das Kaviraj has written this song “Jaya Re Jaya Re Jaya Thakura Narottama”. This song is taken from the book Padavali. In this song, Govinda Das Kaviraj glorifies Thakura Narottama, the great king of loving devotion, who gave the treasure of devotion to lowly and fallen fellows.


jaya re jaya re jaya, thakura narottama,

prema bhakati maharaja

yakara mantri, abhinna kalevara,

ramacandra kaviraja



prema mukuta mani, bhusana bhavavali,

angahi anga viraja

nrpa asana, kheturi maha baithato,

sangahi bhakata samaja



sanatana rupa krta, grantha bhagavata,

anudina koroto vicara

radha madhava, yugala ujjvala rasa,

paramananda sukha sara



sri sankirtana, visaya rase unamata,

dharmadharma nahi jano

yoga dana vrata, adi bhaye bhagato,

royato karama geyana



bhagavata sastra gana, yo dei bhakati dhana,

tako gaurava koru apa

sankhya mimamsaka, tarkadika joto,

kampita dekhi paratapa



abhakata caura, durahi bhagi rohu,

niyare nahi parakasa

dina hina jane, deyalo bhakati dhane,

vancita govinda dasa


(1)-(2) “All glories all glories to Thakura Narottama, the great king of loving devotion, whose counselor was Ramacandra Kaviraja, who was non different from him! His prema was the crown jewel of all the ornamental symptoms of ecstasy he showed on his body. He sat on the throne of the kingdom of Kheturi in the company of his assembled devotees.”


(3)-(4) “Every day he discussed the theistic scriptures compiled by Sri Sanatana and Rupa Gosvami, which contain the splendid amorous flavours of Sri Radha and Mddhava and that are the essence of topmost ecstasy. In the ecstasy of sri sankirtana he did not know what was pious and what was impious. Yoga, charity, vows and other kinds of piety fled far away, while fruitive activities and non-dualistic knowledge were weeping.”


(5)-(6) “He upheld the honour of those theistic scriptures that bestow the treasure of devotion and when they saw his might, sankhya, mimamsaka, tarka and other speculative philosophies trembled. The thief-like non devotees fled far away, unable to shine their light in his vicinity. He gave the treasure of devotion to lowly and fallen fellows, and Govinda dasa covets the same.”

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