Agre Ek Nivedana Kori
hari he
agre eka nibedana kori madhunisudana
suno krpa koriya amaya
nirarthaka katha noya nigudhartha-moya hoya
hrdoya hoite bahiraya
ati aprakrsta ami parama doyalu tumi
taba doya mora adhikara
je jata patita hoya taba doya tata taya
ta'te ami su-patra doyara
more jodi upekhibe doya-patre kotha pabe
doyamoya namati ghuca'be
e bhaktibinoda koya doya koro doyamoya
jasa-kirti ciro-dina pa'be
(1) Oh my dear Lord Hari! I have just one appeal to make before You, oh killer of the Madhu demon! Please be kind enough to hear it from me. It is certainly not a useless talk for wasting time, for it is full of very deep meaning. Indeed, it is welling up from the very depths of my heart.
(2) I am most degraded, and You are most merciful; therefore I have full rights to stake a claim for Your mercy. For no matter how fallen I could possibly be, Your mercy easily extends to that degree; therefore I am quite a suitable candidate for receiving Your causeless mercy.
(3) If You were to neglect my appeal, then Your famous name as "the Most Merciful" would become null and void. And then where else could this recipient go to find the same kind of mercy? Bhaktivinoda says, please be merciful, oh Most Merciful! If You would do this, then Your fame and glories will go on unblemished for all of time to come.