Aji Rase Badara Nice
Narottam Das Thakur has written this song “Aji Rase Badara Nice”. This song is taken from the book Prarthana (Section: Sri Krsne Vijnaptih: Song 2). In this song, Narottam Das Thakur describes about the pleasure derived by achieving pure love for Srimati Radharani and Lord Krsna.
āji rase bādara nice
preme bhāsalo sab vṛndāvana vāsī
śyāma ghana varikhaye prema sudhā dhāra;
kore rańgiṇī rādhā vijurī sañcāra
preme pichalo patha gamana bhelo bańka;
mṛgamada candana, kuńkume bhelo pańka
dig vidiga nāhi premera pāthāra
ḍubilo narottama nā jāne sāńtāra
1) Soon all the residents of Vrndavana will float in the nectar of pure love for Radha and Krsna.
2) Sri Krsna is like a dark cloud that showers the nectar of pure love, and Srimati Radharani is like a restless lightning flash sitting in the lap of that cloud.
3) The path of love for Krsna is winding and crooked. It is slippery, and filled with mud and mixed with kunkuma, sandalwood paste, and musk.
4) The great ocean of love of Krsna stretches without limit in all directions. Although Narottama dasa does not know how to swim across that ocean, he plunges head first into it.