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Heraite Syamara Canda


hera-ite śyāmara-canda

kore āgori gorī-mukha mochata

basana ḍhulāyata manda


dinamaṇi-kiraṇa       malina mukha-maṇḍala

ghāme tilaka bahi gela

komala caraṇa       tapata patha-bāluka

ā;pata dahana sama bhela


karpūra tāmbula   adharahi deyala

candana lepa-i ańga

śyāmara ańga  paraśe naba nāgarī

bāḍhala prema-tarańga


kuñja-kuṭīra gharaśeja manohara

madhukara śruti-dhara bhābe

gorī śyāma duhu karata kutūhali

kahatahi gobinda-dāsa

(Refrain) I gazed at Him. He was like a dark moon. The doorway of His chest and the great bolts of His arms charm the most beautiful fair girls. His garments gently sway to and fro.

(1) The dark circle of His face glistened in the sunlight. In drops of perspiration His tilaka marking ran. When He walked with delicate soft feet on the hot sandy pathway, I felt that I myself had burst into flames.

(2) Betelnuts and camphor are on His lips. With sandal paste His limbs are anointed. Any graceful girl that touches His dark limbs will find herseelf tossed to and fro by waves of prema.

(3) In a forest cottage He rests on a charming bed. Learned in all the scriptures, the buzzing bees chant His glories. Fair Radha and dark Krsna enjoy many blissful pastimes. So saysGovinda dasa.

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