Bhuliya Tomare
Bhaktivinod Thakur has written a song Bhuliya Tomare. Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that a baby in his mothers womb prays to Sri Krsna that after coming in this world he will be your great devotee, but as he comes to this world he gets ensnared in maya and he forgets his promise to Shri Krsna. As he grows up he feels that material world is a safe place and all his material achievements are great accomplishments. He day and night thinks about wealth. But now when he approaches death he thinks about Govind Hare. He thinks what will be his fate as he is nearing death.
bhuliyā tomāre, saḿsāre āsiyā,
peye nānā-vidha byathā
tomāra caraṇe, āsiyāchi āmi,
bolibo duḥkhera kathā
jananī jaṭhare, chilāma jakhona,
biṣama bandhana-pāśe
eka-bāra prabhu! dekhā diyā more,
vañcile e dīna dāse
takhona bhāvinu, janama pāiyā,
koribo bhajana tava
janama hoilo, paḍi’ māyā-jāle,
nā hoilo jñāna-lava
ādarera chele, sva-janera kole,
hāsiyā kāṭānu kāla
janaka jananī-snehete bhuliyā,
saḿsāra lāgilo bhālo
krame dina dina, bālaka hoiyā,
bhelinu bālaka-saha
āra kichu dine, jnāna upajilo,
pāṭha poḍi ahar-ahaḥ
vidyāra gaurave, bhrami’ deśe deśe,
dhana uparjana kori
sva-jana pālana, kori eka-mane,
bhulinu tomāre, hari!
bārdhakye ekhona, bhakativinoda,
kāṇdiyā kātara ati
nā bhajiyā tore, dina bṛthā gelo,
ekhona ki habe gati?
(1) O Lord, forgetting You and coming to this material world, I have experienced a host of sins and sorrows. Now I approach Your lotus feet and submit my tale of woe.
(2) While I was bound up tightly in the unbearable confines of my mother’s womb, O Lord, You once revealed Yourself before me. After appearing briefly, You abandoned this poor servant of Yours.
(3) At that moment I thought, “After my birth this time, I will surely worship You with undivided attention.” But alas, after taking birth I fell into the entangling network of worldly illusions; thus I possessed not even a drop of true knowledge.
(4) As a dear son fondled in the laps of attentive relatives, I passed my time smiling and laughing. The affection of my father and mother helped me forget You still more, and I began to think that the material world was a very nice place.
(5) Day by day I gradually grew into a young boy and began playing with other boys. Soon my powers of understanding emerged, so I diligently studied my school lessons every day.
(6) Proud of my accomplished education, I later traveled from place to place and earned much wealth. Thereby maintaining my family with undivided attention, I forgot You, O Lord Hari!
(7) Now in old age, this Bhaktivinoda very sadly weeps as death approaches. I failed to worship You, O Lord, and instead passed my days in vain. What will be my fate now?