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Dekho Sakhi Jhulata Yugala Kisora


dekho sakhi jhulata yugala kisora

nilamani jadaola kascana jora

lalita visakha sakhi jhulayata sukhe

anande magana heri donhe donha mukhe



garajata gagane saghane ghana ghora

rangini sangini gherata cauttara

vividha kusume sabe raciya hindola

dolaya yugala sakhi anande vibhola



jhulaota sakhigana karatali diya

suvadani kohe pache giraye bandhuya

vigalita dukula udita sveda bindu

amiya jharaye yeno duhun mukha indu



heri sab sakhigana donhakara srama

camara vijana lei koroye sevana

bhramara kokila sab bosi taru dale

rati jaya radha-krsna radha krsna bole

kohe jagannatha kobe hobe subha dine

sakhi sahe donhakare heribo vipine



1) “Look, O sakhi, at the Yugala Kisora on the swing, resembling a sapphire embraced by gold! Lalita and Visakha blissfully push the swing, while the Divine Pair is absorbed in bliss, admiring Each other’s faces!”


2) “Clouds loudly rumble in the sky as Rangini (playful Radhika) sits on the swing, that is decorated with different flowers, surrounded by Her girlfriends that are ecstatically swinging the Divine Pair.”


3) “The sakhis are pushing the swing with their handpalms (so hard that) Suvadani (fair-faced Radhika) says (to Krsna): “O friend! We will fall backwards!” Their garments loosen and the sweat drops that appear on Their moon-like faces resemble drops of nectar.”


4) “Seeing how the Divine Pair perspires of fatigue, all the sakhis begin to serve Them by fanning Them with yaktail fans. The bumblebees and cuckoos are sitting on the branches of the trees and are singing: “Jaya Radha Krsna! Jaya Radha Krsna!” with great love. Jagannatha dasa says: “When will that blessed day be mine when I can see both of them in the forest with the sakhis?”

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