Address: Saraswati Colony, Rathi Nagar, VMV Road, Amravati, Maharashtra, India – 444603.Phone: +91 9970328276
Website: www.iskconamravati.com
Email: amravati.iskcon@gmail.com
Facebook : ISKCON Amravati
Direction : Google map
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Darshan times: 7.30am – 11.30am, 12noon – 12.30pm, 4.30pm – 8.30pm
Presiding Deities: Shri Shri Rukmini Dwarkadish
Shri Shri Rukmini Dwarkadish, ISKCON Amravati, inauguration was done by H.H Lokanath Maharaj ji and most beautiful deities of Shri Shri Rukmini Dwarakadhish were installed on 19th November 2000. One who takes darshan of the charming and captivating Shri Shri Rukmini Dwarakadhish wishes to take their darshan again and again.
ISKCON Temple is located in Saraswati Colony, Rathi Nagar. The temple has big hall which has photos which depict pastimes of Lord Krishna and at the back side of temple there are residential quarters for devotees.
Amaravati city has a special connection with Lord Krishna because it’s just 44 kilometers from Kuandanyapur Dham which is birth place of Srimati Rukhmini mata. It was from Kuandanyapur Dham, Lord Krishna had kidnapped Srimati Rukmini mata 5000 years ago and had brought her to Amravati in the ancient Ambadevi temple.
So Srimati Rukhmini mata’s birthday is celebrated on a large scale and devotees all over Maharastra come for auspicious occasion and get drowned in love of Lord Krishna.Shri Shri Rukmini Dwarkadish, ISKCON Amravati, inauguration was done by H.H Lokanath Maharaj ji and most beautiful deities of Shri Shri Rukmini Dwarakadhish were installed on 19th November 2000. One who takes darshan of the charming and captivating Shri Shri Rukmini Dwarakadhish wishes to take their darshan again and again.
VMV Road, New Friends Colony, Saurabh Colony, Amravati, Maharashtra, India