Address: Sri Sri Radha MadanGopal Mandir and Vedic Cultural CentreNahara Nahari Raod, Bamnoli Mod, Line Par, Bahadurgarh, Harayana – 124507
Phone: 9250128799, 9212192055
Website: www.iskconbahadurgarh.com
Email: nad.gkgm.sp@gmail.com
Direction: Google map
Darshan times: 04:30 am to 01:00 pm and 04:00 pm to 09:00 pm
Presiding Deities: Sri Sri Radha Madanmohan, Sri Sri Krishna Balaram
Description: SRI SRI RADAHA MADAN MOHAN temple adds another sparkling jewel in the majestic crown of ISKCON, enhancing it’s fame and glory by multifold.
As you take a short walk in the bylanes of Bahadurgarh on Nihara Nihari road, you will be mesmerized by the breathtaking architecture of ISKCON Bahadurgarh, which has an uncanny resemblance to the great SRI SRI KRISHNA BALRAM temple in Vrindavana. The colossal pillars, powerful dome structures, spell-binding facade and the ever so charming and mystical sanctum santorum, makes one recapitulate the holy dham of Vrindavan temple.
Stepping onto the main courtyard, one id floored by the tranquilty that echoes through the walls of the temple. The distinct throbbing of bell, vibration of Holy Names, the muti-faceted fragrance of fresh flowers all add to the unique character of temple of Bahadurgarh.
The Lordships stand high at Bahadurgarh peering down on their beloved devotees as they begin to enter the main temple area. Dressed in finery to match their enthralling aura, the devotees would feel nothing short of pure joy when they set their eyes on their Lord, while the only way to express that joy would be to sing and dance to the holy names, as tears pour down their face. The nature too aligned with the Lordships making home in Bahadurgarh, as the earliest rays of the rising sun fall directly on their lotus feet creating a striking site for anyone who is present to see this splendour. One is sure to fall in love with SRI SRI RADHA MADAN MOHAN.
A well-equipped deity kitchen is located just a few steps away from the main temple and soon the popular ISKCON joint Govindas is supposed to make an entry into the temple, nourishing devotees with delicious prasadam. The central courtyard and it’s surrounding areas are filled with incredicle piece of arts, depicting the pastimes of Radha-Krsna. These Minakari paintings, compounded with intricate glasswork are so vivid in their imagery that one feels the presence of Krsna in every atom of the body leaving devotees in encapsulating bliss.
This incredible temple took three years to be build by the expert hands of artists, painters, architects and hundreds of people who passionately strived to create this wonder. Spread over three acres of land, the temple includes gardens, guest house and brahmachari ashram in its premises. It is also located at a logistical point, connected to metro station and other public transport, with sufficient parking capacity.
ISKCON Bahadurgarh can be gracefully exclaimed as the divine home for the spiritually hungry soul!