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Dvivida Duranta Caritra


dviviḍa-duranta-caritra-kopin saj-jana-mitra

raivata-līlālakṣya prākṛta-dhībhir alakṣya


nija-rāmā-gaṇa-juṣṭa tat-kapi-dhārṣṭyād ruṣṭa

tena samaḿ kṛta-yuddha tad-yudhi kautuka-ruddha


cira-hata-kapi-kula-duṣṭa sura-muni-gaṇa-nuti-tuṣṭa

kurubhiḥ sāmbe vaddhe yadu-nivahe sannaddhe


svayam atha sandhiḿ kalayan śāntān sańge valayan

kuru-nagaraḿ laghu gatavan tad-durvacanaḿ śrutavan


teṣāḿ purum utkalayan valita-krodhaḿ halayan

gaja-sahvayam akarṣan paritas citraḿ varṣan


bhīta-kuru-śrita-pada kṛpayā tyakta-vivāda

vadhu-suta-yautuka-sańgi gṛham āgā bahu-rańgi


samprati saha saha-janma gokula-mainija-janma

jaya jaya jaya balarāma kevala-manujārāma

1) O Lord who became angry at Dvivida’s terrible mischief, O Lord who enjoyed pastimes on Mount Raivata, O Lord unseen by the foolish conditioned souls, . . .

2) O Lord who enjoyed pastimes with many beautiful gopis, O Lord who was angered by a gorilla’s arrogant mischief, O Lord who wonderfully fought with the gorilla, . . .

3) O Lord who after a long duel finally killed the most wicked of gorillas, O Lord who was pleased by the prayers and obeisances of the demigods and sages, O Lord who gathered the Yadava armies when the Kauravas kidnapped Samba, . . .

4) O Lord who went to the Kauravas’ capital to make peace with them, O Lord who heard their insults, . . .

5) O Lord who became very angry with the Kauravas, O Lord who with Your plow dragged Hastinapura, O Lord who filled everyone with wonder, . . .

6) O Lord of whose feet the frightened Kauravas took shelter, O Lord who thus ended the quarrel, O Lord who saw Samba and his wife reunited, O Lord who happily took them home, . . .

7) O brother of Lord Krsna, O Lord who took birth in Gokula, O Lord Balarama who enjoys pastimes like those of a human being, glory, glory, glory to You!




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